The schedules for the various branches are sometimes different due to events beyond our control - please ensure that you have the right branch when checking dates.Drop us a line at Head Office if you need any clarification. Thank you.Click on the branch below to view the schedule:•Honeydew•Midstream•Delta•Randburg•Randfontein•Mobility (by appointment so no set schedule)
The schedules for the various branches are sometimes different due to events beyond our control - please ensure that you have the right branch when checking dates.Drop us a line at Head Office you need any clarification. Thank you.Click on the branch below to view the schedule:•Honeydew•Midstream•Delta•Randburg•Randfontein•Mobility (by appointment so no set schedule)
(C) McKaynine (Pty) Ltd t/a McKaynine Training CentreEstablished 1999